
registration of companies中文是什么意思

  • 公司注册



  • 例句与用法
  • Rules for registration of company
  • Applications for incorporation and registration of companies , receipt of documents , registration of documents , applications for money lenders licences and public searches
  • Counters for applications for various permits and certificates for trade or import export purposes of the agriculture , fisheries and conversation department , applications for incorporation and registration of companies , public searches of the companies registry , registration services for medical and healthcare professionals , registration and licensing services relating to chinese medicines , school dental clinics , sai ying pun dermatological clinic and chai wan social hygiene clinic of the department of health , shroff for receiving payment of debts damages of the department of justice , some support services to schools , teachers and the general public provided by the education and manpower bureau , registration services for electrical workers , lpg cylinder wagons , lifts and escalators , builders lifts tower working platforms and amusement rides provided by the electrical and mechanical services department , processing of sick leave clearance for employees claiming work injury compensation by the labour department , sections dealing with family litigation and insolvency matters and criminal matters of the legal aid department , licensing and port formalities at four marine offices and advance booking of professional ship surveying and inspection service of the marine department , services for offenders and medical social services at department of healths kowloon bay integrated treatment centre provided by the social welfare department , road driving tests and driving ability assessment services to people with disabilities provided by the transport department and customer enquiry centres and meter testing services of the water supplies department will move to a five - day week with effect from january 1 , 2007
  • 推荐英语阅读
registration of companies的中文翻译,registration of companies是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译registration of companies,registration of companies的中文意思,registration of companies的中文registration of companies in Chineseregistration of companies的中文registration of companies怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
